I do not feel this need to blog, nor talk on the phone, nor read, nor really do much of anything. I lay in this "Kraft-matic" hospital bed for 22 hrs of every day and not do much of anything. Trying to muster the motivation to get out of bed to use the bathroom and the daily shower is about all I can handle. My mom has been encouraging me for the last 3 wks to blog since alot and seemingly nothing has happened. I am on my 23rd day here. My blood pressure is up and it would seem that I am developing preeclampsia. The babies are doing great. They are staying on the monitors better than they ever have. We have had no serious decels, sometimes the monitors pick up my heart beat instead. When we deliver it will most likely be from the preeclampsia instead of our original complication. We are currently at 27 wks 2 days gestation. Our Biophysical Profiles/sonograms are done every Mon and Thurs. almost every time both babies have recieved an 8 of 8 score. Only a couple times has it been 6 of 8 because Baby A or B did not do his breathing movements, lately they've both been doing them great. The last weights were on Jan 29. Brady (A) was 1 lb. 11oz. and Charlie (B) 1 lb 8 oz. Hopefully both will gain 1 lb by this Thurs. when their weights will be taken again. They are only measuring in the 30% and 25% in growth and there is a possibility they wont gain the 1 lb they need to, but we have to wait and see.
My dr put me on a diabetic diet last week seemingly for no reason other than he wanted to monitor what I was eating, although I only had gained 1 lb per week since I had been here. After a couple days of that I became very discouraged and thoroughly complained to every one that came in the room. The supervisor of the floor felt my pain and spoke with my dr. Since then he has taken me off of the diet and given me instructions to make healthy choices. I think the hospital has a weekly food rotation luckily I can "write in" other food. It is hard to "make healthy choices" here when the food is bland and limited, and I end up eating the same things over and over. Ordering in is an option but there is not many "healthy choices" around, unless I want to order a salad.
I was keeping track of how many pokes I've had since I've been here, but I lost count today. I think Im on my 9th or 10th IV Hep-lock and they've drawn blood 4 or 5 times, plus I've had 5 or 6 terbutaline shots for contractions, and none of this includes the other times my veins have blown and they've had to redo it. On the up side, my hep-lock is lasting longer than a day now, the last one lasted almost 4 days and I think we are on day 2 of this one, hoping for another two days, but its starting to hurt consistently when they flush it so maybe only another day.
Im sure it seems that Im somewhat negative, and honestly I am. Its been hard to be positive here lately. However, they did bring in their new flat screen tv and a dvd player to boost my moods, which has helped. So I've been watching movies in between sleeping and visitors.
We have 5 weeks left until our expected delivery week, but it looks like there is a good possibility the babies will be delivered before then.
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13 years ago